Skuid Inc.

Skuid Inc.'s Fundraiser

Helping our city in a time of need image

Helping our city in a time of need

Let's help ease the burden of this difficult time for our fellow Chattanoogans

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$7,836 towards $9,000

As many in Chattanooga face unemployment during the COVID19 epidemic and damage to their homes after the recent tornadoes, let's help ease the burden of our neighbors by helping provide additional food resources through the Chattanooga Area Food Bank.

The Chattanooga Area Food Bank is partnering with elected officials, area schools, and community partners to identify food needs and provide relief where possible. We can aid in their efforts by donating from any abundance we might have. Just a small donation can go a long way ($1 helps provide 4 meals).

Members of the Executive Leadership Org (ELO) and Skuid Board are going to match all donations up to $9000.

Let's come together and donate $18,000 to help those in the Chattanooga area community who have been struggling with vast unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic and now are struggling even more after being hit by devastating tornadoes on April 12th.