Your gift will help the Chattanooga Area Food Bank meet the urgent need for food in our communities.
Join in our work by giving the gift of groceries today! In our 20-county service area within southeast Tennessee and northwest Georgia, 131,390 people are facing hunger and may go to bed hungry tonight. This equates to 1 in 8 adults and children.
Every $1 donated helps us to provide groceries for about 3 meals.
With your support and our partnership with more than 250 community partners, we can continue to come alongside our neighbors and make positive change throughout our community.
Donate today!
Thank you for your generous support of the Chattanooga Area Food Bank! Your donation will be used for its intended purpose. Please note: if designated funds exceed a program's total expenses, they will be reallocated to help provide nutritious meals to our neighbors in need throughout the year. To view our privacy policy, please use this link.